When we finish a competitive round we are always full of emotions, whether that be positive or negative!! For most people a truly awful time to begin an analysis of a round. After 24 hours and a good sleep, things tend to have settled down, so how do you go about constructively analysing your performance?

Stats Remove the Emotion's
Stats are great, they give us the FACTS!! While some people may say that the stat's do not tell the whole story, they definitely tell a less emotional one. In addition to that it can also help us assess things on a longer term basis, remember every week is not supposed to be the same, we want to judge things over a period or stretch of events,
Good, better, how?
The first part of this stage is key...... WRITE IT DOWN!!! Notes on your phone does not count, have a small journal or notebook and do it right!
Good, Better, How is one of the best ways you can assess your round, and this has been 100% stolen from a friend and mentor Karl Morris. The process here is very simple, you have to answer 3 questions:
1) What was good about the round?
2) What could have been better about the round?
3) What will you do this week to improve number 2?
This is a simple process, but an effective one!! It can not only be used tournament to tournament but even over a certain period or a year!
Once complete, take a picture of your journal and send it to your coach!!!