This is often a word that is thrown around a lot in our sport..... Almost every student "Wants to be more consistent"! However, when you actually look at golf it is one of the most variable and inconsistent sports going! Every day the challenges we face are different whether that be the course set up, the weather, how you are feeling, or even just how the ball bounces at certain times. With so much variety how could be possibly expect our results to be “consistent” day in day out?

That said, consistency in our sport is essential!! But maybe not as you know it. Consistency should be based far more on our actions and our process rather than the outcome. Simply showing up day in and day out is a start, do the training, put the work in, listen to your coach. These are all things that you can be consistent and but at the same time they are fully within your control. These are the things that really change performances and ultimately help us achieve our goals!!
“Do it again and again….. Consistency makes the rain drops to create holes in rock…. Whatever is difficult can be done easily with regular attendance, attention and action”
