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Constructive Putting Practice

What does a good practice session look like?

This is a great question to start any practice session with as it will start to create some guidance for what you want to achieve within the time you have available. However asking the question is one thing, but actually having the answer is another, particularly when it comes to putting.


Beginning with basic set up and technical work is key. Aim, Ball position and set up are all items that should be looked at. Often using a small mirror or starting gate can be helpful in checking the alignment of your body/eyes and the starting line of your ball.


Once you are reasonably happy that the basics are in place and the ball is starting on your intended line we need to add in some speed control drills to help perfect your touch and feel. Below is a great drill for any level of golfer to set up, the main purpose of the drill is to help you gauge swing length and distance without making any major modifications to the rhythm of the stroke.

To set up the drill:

1) Make a stroke with the intention of hitting the ball approximately 15ft in distance.

2) Place 3 tees in the ground - The first tee is in line with the ball, the second tee will be roughly where the backstroke ends for the 15ft putt, and the third tee will be where the follow through ends for the stroke.

3) Once all 3 tees are in place make a stroke to match the placement of the tees. Wherever the ball finishes place a ghost hole on the floor 1ft shorter than where the ball finishes. Repeat this process with a stroke that is slightly shorter than both tees, and one that is slightly longer than both tees.

4) When all 3 ghost holes are in position you can get creative with a test. A very simple one would be can you finish 3 balls in a row 1ft past each disk, however you can make this challenge as difficult or as easy as you like.


Finally lets get competitive!! Come up with a challenge that you must score or finish before leaving the putting green. This will allow you to test your practice and also your patience! You can make this as easy or as difficult as you like, an easy starting point could be something along the lines of making 9 long two putts in a row. If you miss one, you must start again!

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