As humans, in sport and in life our expectations for the most part run high. We want to win that trophy...... shoot that score...... cross that finish line....... You get the point!!! BUT for most people I wonder are they willing to actually do what it takes to get there?
For us we see the highs, we see the end, but what it takes can be an entirely different story. Are you willing to go that extra mile, not go to that party, get up that hour earlier than everyone else does in order to achieve that goal? are you willing to do what is actually expected of YOU in order to achieve that desired result?
This is where most people falter, and fail. We want the success and the glory, but the hard part is being diligent and consistent about the things that we ourselves are not only responsible for, but also in control of. Because if we cannot do those tasks, how can we be expected to complete the tasks that are not within our control?
No matter what sport you are in there are a few simple questions you can ask yourself in order to maximise your opportunity for success:
1) Do I have a plan (each day, each week, each month and each year)?
2) Have I stuck to that plan and been consistent with my approach?
3) Am I challenging myself enough with my training?
4) Do I take responsibility for my mistakes or do I lay blame elsewhere?
These answers may help you reach your ultimate goals......
