Goals are funny things. There are so many opinions on them it can almost be impossible to know what to aim for. Should I set SMART goals, process goals, outcome goals…….. etc etc?? How difficult should they be, “aim high, at least if you fail you’ll fail at a higher level” but “don’t aim too high, you’ll add more pressure to yourself”……. Where do you even start!!

As a coach I have always been a believer in them, and always tweaked the process every year. But I don’t think it was until this year I really realised how difficult goals can be….. and sometimes ever more so how illogical achieving them can often be!
Sometimes the days you expect to be good are terrible, and days where you feel like crap you unexpectedly do great! Sometimes we make mistakes and do things along the journey we shouldn’t, and sometimes we are doing everything perfectly but we are just not going anywhere!!
It’s in the process of chasing my own goals that there have been a number of things that really stand out to me, and that really have helped me along the way:
it doesn’t matter how you set them, just write them down and start. You can tweak them and change them along the way, they are living things, not immovable objects.
Get help! Surround yourself with people who push you, drive you, support you and inspire you.
Show up……. Consistently! Even if you feel crap, or tired, or have a niggle…… show up and do something, you will feel better!
Enjoy it! It’s supposed to be fun to achieve your goals! Yes there will be crap days but accept them, you are doing this by choice, nobody’s forcing you to do it!