I was recently reading a fantastic blog from Inner Fight Endurance coach Tom Walker on his experience at iron man South Africa, and the ups and downs that he experienced on his journey. It got me thinking, regardless of the sport which you play there are endless ups and downs that you have to face, endless difficult moments that you have to deal with, and endless times where you are simply ready to pull your hair out and give up! Possibly the best analogy for life.....
These moments are what really define us, and define our belief in ourselves. In these moments we must remain calm, manage the chaos and put one foot in front of the other to simply find a way to keep going. To keep pushing through those difficult moments and find the light at the end of the tunnel.
How often are conditions in golf, sport or even life ideal…….. RARELY!!
However more often than not we are Ill prepared to even handle these situations, despite their frequency. We prepare for ideal days, days which the sun is shining and we are hitting nothing but perfect shots! But how many of these ideal days have you really had?
If you really want to become a better golfer, become adaptable. Be prepared to handle difficult situations and tackle them head on. , We can do this by replicating these scenarios in practice, making your practice harder than what you will experience on the course at times and challenging both your skill and your mind. Examples of this could be something as simple as changing the lies that you hit from on the range. Create games that test your patience in practice and your resilience. When you are on the course begin to think of how you will navigate it on good ball striking days and bad ball striking days, how will you handle each scenario?
This kind of practice will prepare you for both good days…… and bad days! But it will help turn those bad ones into ok days and allow you to stay in the mix when you need to!