Do you get the most out of your practice sessions? This is almost always a resounding NO for most of the players that I begin working with. For most of us we simply show up to the range, hit a bucket of balls and maybe hit a few putts before heading home, but what do we actually achieve from a session like this?
The answer is quite simply..... VERY LITTLE!!
There are 3 keys to creating a constructive practice session:
1) Have an Objective
- What do you want to get out of the session?
- Will the session be focused on a particular area of the game?
- How difficult should the session be?
- Should it involve more Technique, Skill or Competition?
2) Have a Plan
- Sit down with a notebook and begin by answering the above questions.
- Add in your time limit, how long will you allow yourself to stay there?
- Is there any eqiuipment you will need?
3) Find the right Challenge point
- How difficult do you want to make the session?
- Find the balance between keeping it interesting & making it frustrating
For Ideas on games and drills that will help you make your practice more interesting, download our sample practice plan below.