"Train, Don't Practice" is a phrase stolen from a good friend Zane Scotland, and is probably one of the best phrases changes you could make to your practice in order to help you play better on the golf course. But what does it mean?
Well, everything is open to a persons interpretation, but I believe that essentially it means practice more like you play. Create scenarios, situations and shots that will replicate what you do on the golf course. As we all know this can often be a long way from what most people do in reality, as we stand on the driving range beating a bucket of balls with our driver trying to squeeze every last yard out of it!!
So next time you head to the range for a practice session, give it some thought before you start. What would you like to achieve from the session? How can you replicate the feelings that you get on the golf course a little more? Change the shots, lies and clubs more often than maybe you normally do.
Chances are you will enjoy it more!!
